Posts Tagged ‘francis pierre arndalilo’

Yeah. Almost literally “falling Amulet”. We went outside after laying the kids down last night to stare at the stars. I’ve been seeing things like figures moving and as of yesterday afternoon, I was able to actually see my Givens perfectly! Well, I was able to see Gab, Balthazaar, Yuuko, and partially Morgaea; Lestraido’s true form remains a mystery to me. I know: how can you not know what entities in your head looks like? Simple. You can’t see them unless (this is going to sound corny, yes, but very true) your “third eye” is capable of seeing.

Anyway, we were looking at the stars and I saw 3 stars in a triangle. I thought, “That looks strange.” but like it was a sign. Don’t ask why, it just had an energy signature. Okay, well, as if I haven’t sounded “crazy” or like a “nut job” in my last several posts, I think this one might be the kicker: I absorbed that energy signature straight into my third eye. Note to self (and everyone else): do NOT allow unknown energies to enter your body. It can be dangerous! Word to the people who don’t know about this stuff from a fool: don’t do it. Ever.

The consequence of me doing that was disastrous. Call it “ridiculous” if you must, but what happened was that I started feeling…funny. Dreamy, relaxed, and yet exhausted all at the same time. My body began to feel ill and Gab started noticing that whatever came into me was harmful so she had me send it back. I did, but almost as soon as the energy left my body, I fell unconscious. Moments before I sent it back, Ox went back inside leaving me alone. Gab got pissed and once I went unconscious, she had to take over my body. The energy-regenerating witch could barely lift my body no matter how much energy she put into it. We went inside, she sat down, Ox was sitting there drinking milk the whole time, and she started freaking out thinking I was going to die. My body was trying to shut down and Balthazaar immediately started drinking.

You’re probably wondering why Ox, my true love, was just sitting there while I was fully unconscious and Gab was crying and hysterically pacing around my mind. Oh, trust me, by the time he came in there, Gab snapped at him. He told her he was sending Valik over, she said no, he threatened her, she said to go ahead, he threatened her a little more, she dared him again, and they went back and forth for a good…ten minutes, I think. Finally, Valik went back into his body, she explained to to him, and together they were able to pull me out of it. When they did, Valik found a (non-physical) amulet called “The Amulet of the Crystal Sun”.

The reason, as was explained to Gab, that Ox didn’t come right away and was just sitting there drinking his milk was because…Vaneeshstal, the entity that possessed Francis Pierre in 1945, had possessed his body. Malakesh, Malachi, and Maladon had him bound up and were holding him. When Vaneeshstal finds a host, he takes his true form and is capable of speaking English. Malakesh used a binding curse to keep him under control. In order to restore energy to me and my body, Gab had to take it from Vaneeshstal. She was giggling and laughing because the whole time he was out, he was trying to play with her mind and it doesn’t work on Gab. At all. Plus, he was speaking in Demonic and she can’t understand Demonic; he can’t speak English, either, because Ox wasn’t his full host. She managed to get a lot of energy from him and he kept wanting me out, but she had to get the translation from Balthazaar that said “girl asleep/unconscious” ’cause kept saying “ethra, ethra” (“girl, girl”). Halfway through all of this miscommunication, he was able to unbind the spell Kesh had put on him and grabbed Gab’s throat to hurt her (epic fail). She called for Kesh, Kesh rebound him and they threw him into a padded room in Ox’s mind.

I got enough energy that later on I was able to stay awake for a little while, but he had Balthazaar take over and put me in bed. Everything was explained to me shortly before going to bed as well as what happened: Vaneeshstal had found the amulet, was planning to use it as a horcrux, saw an opening, put it in me, possessed Ox thinking I’d hand over the amulet, and I’m not sure what his plan was after that. Whatever it was, it didn’t work.

So, here we are: I’m doing a lot better (even though I didn’t get sleep for crap last night and I’m STILL tired), Ox is going to play host to Vaneeshstal so he won’t find a weak-minded host and slaughter people, and Valik has the amulet.

I got the whole story from Malakesh yesterday.

During WW2 in 1945, there was a French priest named Francis Pierre Arndelilo. He was a popular priest and was in line to become a descendant for the Pope. An unknown entity (wasn’t a demon, but it was powerful and it was far more sadistic and masochistic than the original 9) named Vaneeshstaln was created and took on a human host: the priest. The possession went on for four months and the priest gradually became insane and demented. He wrote symbols (later identified as Demonic or Draconic) all over the walls, his sermons repeated a phrase over and over, and the man eventually began speaking in “tongues”–which would be a mixed language of Demonic and Draconic, an extremely rare case for the two to be mixed and make sense.

The day Francis Pierre died, he slaughtered church boys, the staff, everyone he could. One of the church boys was inhabited by Destromada (the Harbinger of Destruction). The only two people he did not kill was a drunk (Balthazaar’s host) and a military man (Kesh’s host). Using the blood of his victims, he wrote a message in his book (I’m pretty sure it was a bible) in the mixed languages of Demonic and Draconic–again, something rarely done because it’s hard for it to make sense.

“Destruction to those who wait. Thy own doing will be thy own fate. The earth shall be wrought with sin. Death will be the fate of all upon swift wings. Eternal suffering will begin.”

Now, there was another verse that Kesh and Balthazaar refused to tell me. I begged Kesh to tell me what it was about, but he said it was too disturbing for any human to hear. The description he gave me, though, was that the verse described in detail what the entity planned on doing. Basically, gruesome stuff you’d read in the most vulgar, disturbing horror books written by a madman–worse than Edgar Allen Poe or Stephen King. They do it in taste. This message had no taste, it’s just going into full detail about what he’ll do to his victims.

After he wrote the message, Francis Pierre committed suicide. Not just put a gun to his head or anything. He sliced his own head off. After death, the entity went in search of a new host. Balthazaar and Kesh sealed the entity into a portrait that was in the synagogue. They burned it, but apparently at the last instant before its death, the entity escaped into a new item and lived. Think of it like a Horcrux: an object containing a piece of a soul until it fully regenerates.

I asked Kesh how it could do that if it was sealed up and if we could put barriers around every object around and he explained it to me that the entity, in that last instant, is pure energy. 100% raw energy that is difficult to contain. He also said that they’ve tried killing this entity several times and that each time, it would escape somewhere else.

There won’t be a record on this incident. Kesh says that the whole thing was so unbelievable and horrifying that people burned everything relating to it: notes, books (they even burned the bible he’d written in), everything. It was stricken from the historical records. Kesh put it to me like this: “Do you honestly think the Vatican would allow something like that to get out? That a priest slaughtered everyone in a church?” I agreed. That wouldn’t be good for the Vatican–for anyone.

However, for references, Kesh kept a copy of the book he’d written in. They didn’t expect it to happen again, but it did. It keeps on happening. The thing can’t die. It paid me a visit last night and tried to possess me. I was scared to death, almost literally; this thing is really evil and I don’t say that about anything. Thankfully, Dantre was allowed to come out and fought the thing. He says it won’t be back any time soon, but by the time it was all done I was in tears.

If the thing gets a human body, I’m screwed. Especially if Ox is at work and I’m home alone with the kids and some stranger comes to the house while he’s gone and tries to kill us. Things like that always happen.. I just don’t ever want to see the eyes that I saw in that mental image of the priest here in present-day real life. It’s too scary and I don’t know if I’ll be able to shake off the fear fast enough to be able to do anything to stop it. Like last night. I froze. I couldn’t think of anything except ‘don’t show fear’ and I think that made matters worse for me anyway. Never stand up to something you can’t take on. Know your limits. That’s a lesson learned.